Title: Letting Them Lead
Description: How do we best support survivors as learners? How do we deal with the feelings of burnout, frustration, and grief that come up when we are supporting survivors? What information do we need, and how can we cause the least amount of compounding harm? These will all be topics of discussion as we connect and share our experiences, our knowledge, and move towards more confident and effective support for the sexual assault survivors in our lives and institutions.
Bio: Currently coordinating the Bounce Back (TiA, X/Ryerson) program here at the University of Windsor, a program that I piloted and brought to our campus in 2018. Before joining the University in 2016 managing the Sexual Misconduct Disclosure Training and Support program, I worked for over a decade in the non-profit sector focusing on domestic and sexual violence support and education. I love the work I do, as my program allows me to see students as whole people, not just students, and provide them with evidence-based support to thrive during their post-secondary careers. I live out in the county with my wife and three kids….life is busy, but so good!
Learning Specialists Association of Canada © 2015