In 2010 there exist two active associations within Canada that represent higher education learning specialists: the Learning and Study Skills Association (LASSA), created in 1978, composed of members from Ontario and English Quebec; and, the Learning Specialist Association of British Columbia (LSABC), created in 1979, composed of members from British Columbia and other western provinces. In December 2008, the memberships of both associations voted to create an ad-hoc committee to explore merging their associations to form one national higher education learning developers association. This Constitution and Bylaws are the results of this convergence of thought and effort.
This national association is of interest to those professionals who may hold one of the following job titles: academic counsellor, academic skills counsellor, academic skills strategist, academic specialist, counsellor, disability counsellor, disability specialist, disability strategist, education officer, educational counsellor, learning centre coordinator or manager, learning counsellor, learning skills strategist, learning specialist, learning strategist, personal academic counsellor, professional tutor, personal counsellor – education, student services counsellor, or any other title that indicates a similar role. This list of titles is not exclusionary.
The Constitution and Bylaws of this national association should be interpreted in an inclusive way across Canada.