Douglas College New Westminster Campus 700 Royal Avenue New Westminster, BC V3M 5Z5
Aboriginal Gathering Place (Room 4650) *** The New Westminster campus is located less than a block from the New Westminster skytrain station. If you need recommendations for accommodation near campus, please contact us. Schedule / Agenda:
Session 1 (9:30 - 11:00)
Study Skills and Academic Support across the College
This session will present a broad picture of what academic support looks like across one institution. Representatives from areas at Douglas College who offer study skills and academic support (including Counselling, Student Success, the Centre for Students with Disabilities, and the Learning Centre) will present short overviews of their role in student learning and answer questions about how they deliver study skills and academic support. Session 2 (11:30 - 12:30)
Peer Tutoring and Study Skills
The Douglas College Learning Centre uses a peer-tutoring model to provide academic skills help to students. In this session, a panel of peer tutors from a variety of subject areas will discuss the kinds of learning skills issues they encounter with the students they tutor. The tutors will respond to a series of questions about their tutoring experience, their own student experience, and the tutor training they receive about study skills and learning issues. One goal is to explore both similarities and differences in terms of the study skills students need to participate successfully in different programs at the college. Session 3 (1:45 -3:00)
Roundtable: Learning Skills across the LSAC-Pacific region
We will use this time to discuss learning skills models at all of the participating colleges and universities at the conference. Our goal is to share ideas that we can bring back to our organizations. Please come prepared to provide an overview of how your college or university structures learning skills help. What is your own role in student learning? What are your successes? Challenges? What would we like to see in the future?
Learning Specialists Association of Canada © 2015